Thursday, August 16, 2007

Quotes Unquoted…

There is nothing like love at first sight coz love is blind!!(I am not sure if its original)

Half the people in the world enjoy life because there was M.A.S.H, Frasier and F.R.I.E.N.D.S.

I love to take the road less traveled...Coz it would definitely be in a better shape...Aint it?

In the beginning God said ..”Let there be light”..But it was Edison who bought it home..

Don’t give a drowning man a glass of water..He might like something else for a change..Coffee..Cappuccino….Coke… :-0

I have given up drinking for good. I save more money for the cannabis..

My son started liking apples ever since I bought him an I-Pod.

I bought my wife from e-Bay but they don’t take back goods once sold.

Son to Mom: why don’t we sell Dad and buy Santa Claus??

Bush at a white house press meet…’Am a damn serious person’… Lol!!!!! another of his jokes..

Don’t be the good guy who did something bad...Rather be the bad guy who did something good.

I am emotionally strong. I cry only in the bathrooms…

Internet has made me lonely. I don’t see real people anymore. I have forgotten seeing anyone really ROTFL.. I haven’t heard anyone LOL…I have started seeing invisible people in the messenger!!

Basic Instinct is an adulterated movie..

Sex drugs and rock n roll doesn’t interest me any more. I like it other way around.

Einstein told E=mc2 and all said wow. And I said London=Trafalgar square. And no one cares!!

Never love yourself too much. You might feel sorry for you when you are sad…


Zee said...

hahahahaha!!! and u're right....i wudn't have laughed this much if it hadn't been for mash and friends......adams ribs! rock on!!

Anonymous said...

jolly good list! maybe...

maybe half the people in the world enjoy life also because they look at the other half and feel good about themselves.

I have given up drinking for good.. i drink for myself now.

Basic Instinct is an adulterated movie. -> :)) You can't better that.

Abhi said...

Kool collection u've got there! I'd say just 1 more

"Some people can get through the boredom of life coz spark comes up with kick@$$ posts like this"

silverine said...

Good ones. The last was the best :)

Still Searching said...

Oh yeah! Many evenings of mine have been spent watching Friends, Frasier, Everybody loves Raymond etc etc.. and thsoe are the ones I enjoyed the most! Haha!

Btw, really totally agree with the internet thing, though nowadays I am grateful for it since I can keep in touch with my friends..

Dhanush | ധനുഷ് said...

Never love yourself too much. You might feel sorry for you when you are sad…

Is that really true ? :(

Venkatesh A.R. said...

"Bush at a white house press meet…’Am a damn serious person’… Lol!!!!! another of his jokes.." - that was an excellent one!!! :-)

Di said...

" I don’t see real people anymore. I have forgotten seeing anyone really ROTFL.. I haven’t heard anyone LOL…I have started seeing invisible people in the messenger!!"

i know!!! :O

mathew said...

my all time fav is mash..cant think humour could get better than that!!

thats an intersting observation!!thanks..

thanks.. :-)

thanks ;-)

@still searching
yeah..esp for folks staying away from home it is a much loved boredom killing machine!

yeah..sometimes i feel so..


yeah.. ;-P

Kusum Rohra said...

Half the people in the world enjoy life because there was M.A.S.H, Frasier and F.R.I.E.N.D.S.

If you added Seinfeld to that it would be the entire world :D